After a recent meeting with the town council it was agreed that it would be useful to have another green waste collection on all the sites. They are now kindly starting the roll-out from this weekend.
We list below the dates pertaining to each site and while there has not been time to give much notice, we still appreciate the efforts they are going to in order to fit this into their busy schedule.
Site Date of Delivery Date of Collection
Wooteys 6th November 9th November
Spitalfields 13th November 16th November
Hawthorns 20th November 23rd November
Whitedown 27th November 30th November
Whitedown 4th December 7th December
Borovere 11th December 14th December
If any of the sites need additional collections please contact your Site Representative, who can request another one from the council.
Important: As with all the green waste please do not put anything that cannot be composted into the trailer but arrange to remove to the tip yourself.
Thank you
The Allotment Committee